Complete Guide To Content Marketing Funnel in 2021

What is Content Marketing Funnel

content marketing funnel

Content marketing funnel is an essential part of marketing. Marketing professionals work hard in order to attract and engage the users in a more natural and systematic way so that their brand can be noticed and they can reach out to their targeted audience with ease.

It’s important for every marketer to know what kind of content they should create, when and how to create that content, and how to implement it. Indeed, marketing is an art as well as a science; one has to be careful with planning and implementation in order to make the best out of it.

The content marketing funnel breaks down your approach to providing information for different types of people. This ensures that you are engaging with the right audience and offering the right information at the right time.

Content Marketing Funnel Example

Understanding how each person responds to your information will allow you to offer your audience the best experience possible.

Through the use of different types of content, you can appeal to people at various points in the buying cycle.

Providing these people with engaging and relevant information ensures that they’ll be much more likely to buy from you rather than your competitors.

Why is Content Marketing Funnel Important

1) Better Understand the process flow : Creating a content marketing funnel is important because it allows you to better understand what steps people are taking before they are ready to make a purchase. This understanding will allow you to engage with them more efficiently and effectively, proving them with the right information at the right time.

2) Improve your conversion rate : Understanding where people are in their buying cycle allows you to be more efficient with the way that you interact. You can use this information to improve your conversion rate by offering them helpful content at points throughout the process.

3) Get better visibility on your ROI : The content marketing funnel will allow you to gain insight into how your content is helping you reach certain goals. You can get a better understanding of your ROI’s from different types of content and tailor your efforts to be more effective overall.

4) More engaging : A funnel will allow you to create a more defined structure for the way that you engage with people online. This allows them to have a more streamlined experience and makes you more efficient.

How To Create a Content Marketing Funnel

It’s vital that you understand your target audience through the use of a buyer persona. What does this person want from you? What are their motivations and struggles? What challenges do they face before buying from you, after buying from you, or even if they don’t buy from you? In order to create great content for this person, you must understand their motivations and the type of information that they respond well to.

Main Points To Remember While Creating a Content Marketing Funnel

  • Identify your funnel stages
  • Choose the type of content that you will distribute at each stage.
  • Determine the goals for your funnel

Different Content Marketing Funnels

Creating a content marketing funnel is very similar across the board in different marketing strategies, but there are certain aspects that are specific to each one.

With a combination of different content marketing funnel : email marketing, article marketing, video marketing, and social media marketing you can reach the right people with the right messages at the right time.

Email Marketing Funnel

This process requires you to set up a squeeze page and use advertising outreach to build an email list. Once you have their emails you can begin sending them useful information with the goal of attracting more subscribers as well as getting sales.

Main Points To Remember While Creating a Email Marketing Funnel

  • Set up a squeeze page that has been customized to your buyer persona
  • Outreach to people in your email list by promoting an article, video, or infographics
  • Once the person engages with you regularly, start sending systemized messages about what you do and how it can benefit them.
  • Continue to nurture the customer through the sales cycle by sending out more information about your products or services.

Article Marketing Funnel

Article marketing funnel starts with writing a great blog post that will promote itself to an audience that you have built up over time. The goal of this article is to attract people and begin building an audience for your business.

Main Points To Remember While Creating a Article Content Marketing Funnel

  • Come up with a great blog topic that will be compelling enough to spread the word about
  • Promote it through PPC advertising, article marketing outreach, and social media marketing
  • Keep the audience engaged with blog posts that relate to what you’re promoting
  • Start sending out systemized messages about your product or service, and send free content like email marketing videos or infographics to keep them engaged.

Video Marketing Funnel

This process starts out by promoting a video to your audience on social media so that it will gain traction and go viral.

Main Points To Remember While Creating a Video Content Marketing Funnel

  • Promote videos through PPC advertising, social media marketing, and article marketing outreach
  • Keep the audience engaged with compelling content like email marketing videos or infographics
  • Nurture the audience through the sales cycle by sending out more information about your products or services.

Social Media Marketing Funnel:

Social media marketing funnel starts with building up a presence on social media, then using that to grow your audience over time. Social media marketing funnel is the only one that starts with building the funnel outside of your website.

Main Points To Remember While Creating a Social Media Marketing Content Marketing Funnel

  • Create compelling content that will go viral on social media like videos, infographics, or blog posts
  • Promote these pillars through PPC advertising, email marketing outreach, and article marketing outreach
  • Once you have a presence on social media, use that to grow your audience by interacting with them and being relatable.
  • Nurture the customer through the sales cycle by sending out more information about your products or services.


A content marketing funnel is a great way to map out and strategize how you will produce, publish and promote your content. As we’ve discussed in this post, there are many different ways that marketers can use the power of their brains to get more sales by understanding what makes people tick.

If you’re interested in learning more about building a successful content marketing strategy for your business, contact us today! Our team of experts specialize in developing customized SEO or digital marketing plans that incorporate neuroscience principles so you can reach customers with persuasive messages while still meeting goals for ROI and conversion rates.

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